The Kindred syllabus currently has 8 Courses on treating Babies (click on an image below for the full course details & syllabus).
These are all tried and tested courses with over 750 practitioners having completed one of more of these 'baby treatment' courses.
Additionally there is a 30 day money back guarantee on all these courses so that you know that you can try them with zero risk.
Getting Started Treating Babies
Treating Babies - The Core Syllabus
Treating The Birth
In addition to the above main Babies courses there are 4 ancillary courses that are extremely useful for particular practioners depending on where you are with your journey with babies. For example Case Studies is when you have had a year or more experience working with babies whereas the Communication with Parents is brilliant if you're new to babies as often you will struggle with handling questions from parents. So this course teaches you what and how to explain what you are doing so that you can deal with questions proactively so that parents dont disturb your hands on work.
The Stretch course and Flat Head Shape course were originally filmed for parents but have proven incredibly useful for practitioners. Especially the Stretch and Health Check Protocol course both in terms of skill set but also in coaching and advising parents of what to do so they can help their baby.
Treating Babies - Case Discussions
Communicationg With Parents
Baby Stretch Protocol Course
Flat Head Shape in Babies
The Kindred syllabus currently has 8 Courses on treating Babies (see below links for the full course detail & syllabus).
These are all tried and tested courses with over 750 practitioners having completed one of more of these 'baby treatment' courses
Additionally there is a 30 day money back guarantee on all these courses so that you know that you can try them with zero risk.
In addition to the above main Babies courses the 4 ancillary courses below are extremely useful for particular practioners depending on where you are with your journey with babies.
For example Case Studies is when you have had a year or more experience working with babies whereas the Communication with Parents is brilliant if you're new to babies as often you will struggle with handling questions from parents. So this course teaches you what and how to explain what you are doing so that you canhandle questions proactively so that parents dont disturb your hands on work.
The Stretch course and Flat Head Shape course were originally filmed for parents but have proven incredibly useful for practitioners. Especially the Stretch and Health Check Protocol course both in terms of skill set but also in coaching and advising parents of what to do so they can help their baby.
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